Dear Teenage Me


Dear Teen Megan,

Greetings from 2018.  Guess what you married Terry.  For real.  No seriously this is not a joke.  Not only are you married he is a full on grown up and you are incredibly happy.  Who’d have thought?  I know that was a lot for you to take in but there are some things I want you to know as you are making your way through your teen years.

  1. Please stop thinking your are fat.  You will regret all the time you spent worrying you don’t look like the rest of the girls.  Plus your fat years are in the future so live it up now.
  2. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.  Boys are dumb.  The one you think is “the one” is certainly not.  If someone can’t be proud to be with you in public they don’t deserve kisses from you in private.
  3. Love your friends.  Love them hard.  Some will stay with you and some will not.  Either way the memories you make now will be the best.  Even if they won’t be there for you later be there for them now.
  4. Live life to the fullest.  Don’t let your fear of the unknown stop you from trying.
  5. Take all the pictures.  You don’t want to forget a thing.
  6. Its not the end of the world if you have to ask a boy to a dance.  Some of the best times are had when you pick who you want to have fun with.
  7. Love your girls.  Eat ice cream in the dark.  Throw reeses pieces across the room.  Instant messages all the boys and giggle all night.  Listen to Avril Lavigne as though she were your queen.  Lay in bed and watch movies.  Sing and dance in the living room.  Grown up life gets hard and these times are few and far between.
  8. Its ok to not have babies at 25.  Sure you will cry.  Sure it will suck.  Yes it will be harder than you think and you will be made with God.  You will wonder why you didn’t just mess around at your age when it might have been easier.  Don’t.  It will happen.  We just aren’t there yet.
  9. Be nice to your mama.  She works really hard for you.  She makes sure you have new Nike shocks for school.  She lets your friends stay over all night.  She shops for weeks for the perfect homecoming dress.  Yes she is over protective. But she loves you fiercely so cut her some slack.
  10. Lastly be nice to Terry.  He really does love you.  He has since he was a little 14 year old turd.  He is your forever so don’t be rude.


Kinda Grown Up Meg