You’re Such A Character

For today’s challenge I am taking a topic from the Disney list.  It asks to pick your favorite character.  I don’t think its as easy as that.  I love all things Disney but that’s not why I think this is hard.  I love to watch Disney movies because they are easy and happy and take you to a world outside of your everyday life.  Sometimes you just have a sucky day.  Those are the days that you just need a little fluff.  While enjoying those fluff movies you start to relate to those characters.  So instead of just picking one that is close to my heart I will categorize a little.  Side Note:  Everyone knows Ariel is my favorite.  Forever and Always.  But I wanted to talk about something different than just my fav mermaid.


First on my list is my favorite sidekick, Ray.  As someone from Louisiana I love the Princess and the Frog.  I love that it is so familiar and so true to  my real life story that it makes me want to watch it over and over again.  Even though I think Tiana is a great princess my favorite character from the movie is the ever positive lovable lighting bug.  He’s a problem solver.  He’s a good listener.  He’s a great friend.  He reminds me of so many people I know who would take the shirt off of the their back to give to someone else.  The love and sacrifice he shows to the others characters makes him one of my all time favorites.


Next on my list is my favorite Pixar character, Wall-E.  This is a character that doesn’t even really talk but I love him.  Wall-E shows you how to love.  You don’t have to say it. You can show it.  He protects Eve from the rain, he sings for her, and he puts himself in harms way for her.  Its not even a romantic thing when it comes to Wall-E.  For a tiny garbage robot he sure shows you how you should behave as a human.


PowerlineLastly its my favorite underrated character.  POWERLINE.  I personally think that the Goofy Movie is one of the best things Disney has done.  Powerline doesn’t have to have some crazy great story line because he has the voice.  Sure there are great songs in the Disney cannon that are classic but if I want to jam out this is legit my go to.  My husband rolls his eyes and laughs every time this comes on in the car.  Powerline is my jam.

Bring on the Funk

For today’s post I decided to go with Day 2 on the music challenge, music that reminds you of your parents.

My parents have not been together since I was 4 years old but when it comes to this subject they are exactly the same.  My parents are both 50 something year old south Louisiana folks.  From that description you may think they are country music fans or even cajun music people.  Nope.  If you asked me to describe the type of music that reminds me of my parents I can say it in one word…FUNK.

Growing up we spent every other weekend with my dad.  He lived in places that were at least 20 minutes away so that usually meant a good bit of time spent together in the car.  While I did learn to appreciate Whoop There It Is 18155_882468094935_7570479_n on his watch, it was the funk peeps that are what I always remember.  We listed to the Gap Band, Dazz Band and so many others.  I distinctly remember him naming every female we knew saying they had a big ole butt while listening to a funk classic Doin the Butt.  When I got married I told my dad that there was no way we were doing some silly Butterfly Kisses father/daughter dance.  We were going to bring it back to our basics and jam out.  We ended up dancing to Let it Whip and my Dad sang all of the words just like I knew he would.  I have even gone so far as to make a Dad Music playlist on my Spotify when I really need to get in the groove.

We spent the majority of our time with my mom.  While she loved her some Rod Stewart we always loved to hear her stories about going out to Friscos and listening to this fun music.  Friscos was apparently a teen club that my mom and her best friends would go to on the weekends.  I’ve heard her talk about dragging my poor uncle out because he was the only one at the house who would drive them.   1928793_550228665415_879_n

The song I remember her talking about the most was called Humpin.  Oh yes you heard that right.  The lyrics are literally “you’ve got me humpin day and night baby”.  Yep my mother let us listen to that lol.  Not only did she let us listen to it she rocked out with us as we got ready to go our ourselves.  I’m a lover of all kinds of music but Funk will forever have a special place in my heart.

Just in case you’ve never heard the Humpin song….your welcome.

Month Long Challenge

I will be the first to admit that I have been the worst blogger ever created as of late.  I had the best time blogging last summer while I was doing Little Mermaid and for some reason life happened and I just couldn’t push myself to blog.  I’ve tried to get back into the swing of the things.  I’ve created over 50 draft titles but every time I look at them I don’t feel inspired.  Since I like to use this as a stress relief I didn’t want to invest time in it if my heart wasn’t there.  So instead I have found some challenges of things that my heart loves…movies, music and Disney.  I have decided to get myself excited about writing again I am going to combine 3 challenges to make me happy to post again.

So here we go Day 1.

Movie Challenge:  Last Movie You Watched


The last movie I watched was Fantastic Beast and Where to Find Them.  I waited to watch this one until it came out on DVD because I just wasn’t sure if I was going to like.  I love the world of Harry Potter so much and after reading the Cursed Child and being a little disappointed I didn’t want that feeling with this too.  Luckily I didn’t feel that disappointment when I finished this movie.  I thought the acting was amazing especially Eddy Redmayne.  It still felt like the Harry Potter world but it has its own character to it.  I like the era its set in.  I loved the fashion of the time period.  I love the New York characters.  I wish they would have ventured into the magic a little more but with several sequels coming out I think they can do that.   I give this one 4 stars!

Music Challenge:  A Song From Your Childhood

If you are going to have me pick a song from my childhood it has to be something from a show I loved as a child.  When I was little there was a show called Sharon, Lois and Bramm.  I can not tell you anything about them except that they sang a song with and elephant.  They finished every show with the same song and it had little hand motions that went along with it.  If I hear this it automatically takes me back to sitting in the living room at my Mawmaws with no pants hamming it



Check out the video of the song and see if you remember too!



Disney Challenge:  Favorite Movie


There can be no question what my favorite Disney movie is.  Nothing will ever compare to the love I have for Ariel.  I dreamed of being a mermaid.  I cried when I got to play one on stage.  I still think Prince Eric is the most handsome cartoon there ever was.  I still wish that Terry had proposed to me with Kiss the Girl playing in the background.  For me there is literally nothing better.